Wednesday 26 January 2011

‘A 10,562 mile, 9 month journey of fabulous change’

hello! My name is Tina, am currently living just outside of London and am about to embark on some dreams (aka a huge amount of change) that I feel compelled to write about. 
What made me to want to write this down publicly?  A few little reasons, firstly the ‘are you stark raving’ bonkers, wide eyed response I have had when explaining all the change that my husband and I were about to embark on. Teamed with the pure fascination & overwhelming excitement our loved ones have had regarding our new life - emigration 10,000 miles from home to Sydney, ummm oh yeah whilst 21 weeks pregnant having just taken voluntary redundancy, all 3 massively life changing choices. What are we doing?!?!?  But seriously, it is possible that no-one really wants to read this/finds it interesting, but I wanted to capture the once in a lifetime journey I am about to embark on for my family and I, but here's hoping it might be coffee and cake worthy reading for a handful of you out there.  
So of course yes, these life changes are all choices, ones which today I love, tomorrow might make me cry (or is that just my baby hormones playing havoc?). But these are exciting new beginnings which I hope will shape the future into one that will make my family smile and enjoy life more in years to come. So sit back & enjoy the bumpy journey including visa drama, moving chaos, farewells, the pregnancy unfolding, discovering a new and exciting city, being jobless for the first time in 19 years and starting my very own blog!!  
It would be fabulous if this could come anyway near to being interesting to you or even inspiring those of you out there wishing for change, but also I would truly love to hear your own stories & journeys of change. If there is anything you particularly want to hear then please let me know.
Big butterfly love

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